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What are the spraying methods of anti-fingerprint oil?

发布者:管理员   日期:2019-10-15

The various problems encountered by customers in the process of spraying anti-fingerprint oil, especially the construction enterprises applying anti-fingerprint coating for the first time, did not grasp the construction skills of anti-fingerprint oil, resulting in a series of problems during the construction process. . There has always been a word in the paint industry: three points of information, seven points of construction. If the coating process and equipment selection and matching are not appropriate, even if high-quality anti-fingerprint oil coating is used, it is difficult to obtain a high-quality coating film. The coating process is a necessary condition for fully utilizing the functions of painting materials, obtaining high-quality coatings, reducing production costs, and improving economic efficiency.

Anti-fingerprint oil coating needs to be cleaned before the construction of stainless steel plate to make the stainless steel plate look neat and tidy. Polish the plate, remove rust and dust, and wash away some polishing wax, salt and rosin hidden in stainless steel pipe and invisible place. , sand, wood, glue, plastic and other difficult to remove substances. These substances can seriously affect the quality of the paint film after construction, resulting in abnormal color or discoloration. Use alcohol (or other cleaning agent) to thoroughly remove grease, plastic film and other stains and residues from the surface of the workpiece to ensure that the surface of the workpiece is absolutely clean. Thoroughly clean the spray gun before construction to drain the moisture from the air compressor to prevent product defects and prevent unnecessary losses.

Anti-fingerprint oil coating process and skills:
1. Mix thoroughly before use to prevent sedimentation and affect product function.
2. Please dilute directly with water. The share of water (depending on the different production environment and products, the water share should not exceed 30%, and the batch test will be added, too much water will affect the function of the coating), and it is forbidden to add any other chemical solvents.
3. After the construction workpiece is sprayed, it should be allowed to stand in a dust-free environment for 5~10 minutes before entering the oven equipment. Water-based anti-fingerprint oil contact paint, painting, drying equipment and utensils must be rust-proof to prevent rust caused by moisture and affect the quality of water paint and film.
4. In the process of storage and use of water paint, it is forbidden to mix oily substances, and it is forbidden to mix with solvent paint to prevent cross-contamination.
5. After the construction is completed, the things should be cleaned in time. The unused water paint should be sealed and kept, and the construction environment should be kept clean.
6, should be stored in a cool, boring environment. In winter, the storage and transportation temperature should be ≥5 °C to prevent freezing. Because the materials, environmental conditions and construction methods at the time of construction are different, the actual painting construction operation parameters will have some errors, so please do the relevant tests before construction to prevent losses.
Contact: Mr.Huang
Add:No. 19, Fortress Road, Lisonglang, Gongming Street, Shenzhen
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